
Here's where we lay out our planning & tips for you.

Find Something New

My journeys will take you to new places foreign and domestic...

For People with Periods only! How To Travel for 8 months with a Period.

Hello Binary, Trans and/or Non-Binary people, Let us talk about something often overlooked in the travel community and is rarely depicted on all those shiny Instagram posts. I’m talking about travel and mother nature: our periods. When preparing for our 8 month trip around the world, I worked out every detail all the way down […]

Which Is Better for Long Term Travel: Backpack Vs. Suitcase

I started off our adventure thinking about what to pack and confident that I was doing it right after reading tons of very very useful packing blogs and packings lists. One of my first blogs posts was about what I packed for our long-term travel. You can read about it here. But I’ll tell you; […]

Three Shoes for Big Feet Who Love to Travel

Ok, so here it is. We are planning this all out and it hits me. What kind of shoes will I wear? I am a finicky person when it comes to shoes. I have high arches, I’m pretty sure one set of toes are longer than the other, I have big feet [que size 11 […]

How I ended up in Chobe, Botswana

I was panicked. I had put off deciding what to do outside of going to South Africa and Namibia once Christian left for the United States. I had from October 30th to November 17th to make my way from Accra to Johannesburg and see all I could see. The pressure of endless opportunities and the […]

How to Decide When Traveling: To Tour or Not to Tour?

When I was young I thought tours were a cop-out. A lazy way to see a city or town instead of roughing it, getting lost, and talking to locals. But then most of my travel centered around local bars and bike rides. But as I hit my mid-to-late twenties I started seeing the wisdom in […]

What’s in my bag?

When considering what to take with me on a 7-8 month trip around the world to vastly different climates with stretches of up to 14 days without a washer and dryer in at least three locations — was extremely difficult. I spent hours and hours pouring through a million blogs that told me what I […]

Planning for weather

Our travels are to a range of places whose weather feel like somewhere between a miserable summer and fall. For us some of the most important considerations are weather and cultural sensitivities. For weather, there are a few things that matter to us: Heat, humidity, cultural norms, amount of rainfall. We used four websites to […]

Planning Travel with a Partner…

So here we are… We have a few things in order. The visa question for my husband, the sabbatical question for work. I signed up for an online travel writing course and started  photography courses. Everything seems in place except….where are we going and how are we doing it? Planning a 3 month world trip with […]

Best Travel Pants – Anatomie Review

Preparing for my five month trip is hard. Thinking of what to wear… Harder Thinking of what to wear and not being a skinny woman….Even Harder.. I am basically living on and trying to follow every piece of advice. My hope is to pack like Alex as she laid out in her blog post […]

Travel Where Warm

We are officially one step closer to realizing our travel plans. Why? Because Christian has had a conversation with his boss and next is HR and he’s set the wheels in motion for his three to six month sabbatical whenever the year fits us. So after this week — he’ll learn from his job if […]

Getting Started

Travel plans The first thing to do is wrap your head around why you want to embark on such a journey and what are some of the pros and cons to such a journey. For us, we decided to begin that by drafting a list of things to consider, some of our anxieties, some of […]